LANSING – The Michigan Corn Growers Association (MCGA) joined five other state corn associations and other ethanol interest groups in a petition challenging the EPA’s recent greenhouse gas (GHG) tailpipe emissions rule for cars and trucks.
Specifically, the petition asks the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit to set aside EPA’s final GHG standards for passenger cars and light trucks. Although corn farmers support actions to reduce GHG emissions, they are opposed to regulatory actions attempting to mandate a single technology solution to reduce emissions. As written, the GHG standards ignore the clean air benefit of renewable biofuels, amounting to a de facto mandate for electric vehicles.
“Michigan’s corn farmers support efforts to clean up our air and protect our environment – and we have the expertise and technology available to help achieve those goals,” said Randy Poll, president of the Michigan Corn Growers Association. “Ethanol and other biofuels are available right now and could be used to achieve significant reductions in auto emissions. If EPA is serious about that goal, they should be open to all technologies rather than arbitrarily choosing winners and losers.”
The corn association petitioners also believe that policies written to exclude any technologies other than electric stifle the innovation that could create real sustainable change for the future.
This challenge is the result of an unprecedented move from the EPA to transform the future of the U.S. transportation industry, declaring electric vehicles the clear winner. MCGA and its co-signers believe that EPA has overstepped its authority by moving unilaterally to phase out liquid fuels. Absent Congressional approval to overhaul the fuel system, EPA must recognize all pathways to reduce GHG emissions from the transportation sector—including liquid fuels.